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Prof Cheng Su is a professor in the School of Civil Engineering and Transportation at the South China University of Technology (SCUT). He is currently the Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science and Director of the Laboratory of Wind Engineering at Guangdong Universities. Prof. Su and his team have been working on construction information technology, wind-induced vibration and seismic analysis of long-span bridges and high-rise buildings, and construction control and health monitoring of large-scale complex structures.

Prof Cheng has authored and co-authored over 170 papers and delivered over 80 presentations. He has served as Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) on over 100 projects. His achievements include winning seven technology awards at the provincial and ministerial levels, as well as receiving the First Prize from the China Road Society. In 2010, he was honored with the Frederick Palmer Prize by the Institution of Civil Engineers, UK.
Prof Cheng is also a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the Journal of Sound and Vibration.